David Hemp


David Hemp

SET Membership No


SET Membership grade


In what capacity or capacities have you known the applicant?

I have known Maria since 1997. We worked together as tutors at the University of Sheffield until 2002, and we have kept in touch professionally since.

How long have you known the applicant?

Fewer than 2 years
2-4 years
5-7 years
8-10 years
10+ years

What is your current relationship to the applicant?

Ex-colleague who has kept in touch professionally

Please explain why you believe that the applicant should be awarded Professional Formation and comment on any aspect of teaching and learning where the applicant has demonstrated particular strengths and effectiveness.

It is very clear from Maria's webfolio that she meets and exceeds all of the criteria required for the award of the Recognition Route. Her testimonials from colleagues, managers, parents and students show that she is an outstanding teacher whose relationships with her students are amazing and whose commitment to her profession is second to none. Her subject knowledge in her specialist area is extremely strong and the resources and schemes of work that she has prepared in both this and other areas are exemplary. She has flourished in every area of education in which she has worked and I am certain that she will do the same in the Further Education and Learning and Skills sector. As a secondary school teacher in the UK who has been a mentor for newly qualified teachers, I am very familiar with the standards that teachers must meet in order to achieve Qualified Teacher Status, and I have no doubt that Maria would meet and exceed all of these. The materials in her webfolio are immensely impressive and I have no hesitation at all in supporting her application for this award.

Please provide any suggestions for the future professional development of the applicant.

In her application for QTLS, Maria has indicated that she would benefit from further training in leadership, advanced teaching skills and teaching philosophy for children.

Is there any other information regarding the applicant or their practice which you believe may be relevant for the Society to take into account in determining their application, or which may have a bearing upon the suitability of the applicant to be granted Professional Formation or to appear on the register?

No further information.


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